Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 2; Blueberry Dumdums..mmm

I have always had an intense sweet tooth. Always. When I was a freshman in college, I ate dark chocolate every day which may not sound terribly awful, right? Well, I thought so too until there was a day or two that I went without eating the chocolate, and I had a headache unlike any headache to have ached a head. Seriously.  I had some serious withdrawals. Or something. Finally, I admitted I had a problem and weened myself off the stuff.

My name is Kelly, and I am a recovering chocoholic. Thank you for your support.

Anywhoooo. I've always been the kind of girl who would eat a piece of cake in the morning and call it breakfast. I've also been known to start with dessert and then work my way backwards. Because I do what I want. I've never been huge on candy like suckers, sweet tarts, or that laffy taffy junk until I was introduced to Dum-dums. My entire world was rocked.

At the sushi restaurant I hostess at, we don't give mints for our customers to depart with. No. We give dum-dums.

Here's the ole view.

Slowly, I started tasting each sucker over time. Butterscotch? Out. Mango? In. So on and so forth. Dum-dums does some kind of contest and the winner gets to create their own flavor. I'm not sure how long they make the winner's flavor. As long as a year, perhaps?

Well, regardless, this winner's flava flave right now is Blueberry.

The past few weeks we haven't had any Blueberry, so I went into mourning.

But today...Today my heart was made whole. For as you can see, our Blueberry supply has been restocked.

And my life has meaning again...

1 comment:

  1. I told you! Blueberry is the absolute best dum-dum flavor!
